Echo for life

Echo for Life information page

Echo for Life  is the first transthoracic Echocardiography course for clinical
practice in Kenya. The course is held collaboratively with private sector
partners and the University of Nairobi (UNES Short courses), Nairobi. It
is specifically designed to accommodate the evolving needs in
cardiovascular medicine.

Echocardiography is a non-invasive imaging technique
used in the diagnosis of diseases of cardiac structure and function. The
technique is invaluable in the management of patients with heart disease,
yet there are less than 20 well trained echocardiographers in Kenya
serving a population of over 45 million. The purpose of the course is two-
fold: to increase the number of echocardiographers in Kenya and
effectively improve the care of cardiac patients in the country. Thus, the
course name – Echo for Life.

Topics covered will include basic principles and physics of
echocardiography; normal cardiac anatomy and examination; M-Mode
and 2-D echocardiography; Echo assessment of systolic and diastolic
function, basic and advanced haemodynamics; assessment of valvular
and pericardial diseases; assessment of hypertensive/coronary heart
disease and heart failure. Echo data interpretation and report writing will
also be covered. The attendees will be introduced to new techniques in

Course objectives

After completing the course, the learner will be able to:

  • Describe the basic principles and physics of echocardiography
  • Identify the normal cardiac anatomy and examination
  • Explain the Echo assessment of systolic function
  • Assess the diastolic function, hemodynamic flow
  • Identify and assess valvular and pericardial diseases
  • Assess hypertensive/coronary heart disease and heart failure
  • Interpret transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) data and write a

Course duration

Three (3) months from March 5 th 2018. Three (3)
courses will be offered in 2018 and an additional two (2) in 2019.

Course Facilitators:

  • Dr. Fred Bukachi (FB)
  • Dr. Anders Barasa (AB)
  • Ms.Lucy Maina (LM)
  • Dr. Mike Mulongo (MM)
  • Dr. Enoch Anyenda (EA)

Course Director:

Dr. Fred Bukachi MB, ChB, MMed, MSc, PhD
Senior Consultant Cardiologist
Director, The Heart Centre

+Tel 254-727 804933 (mobile)

+Tel 254-734 10033/60 (Clinic)


The Heart Centre
Off Argwings Kodhek Road, Hurlingham
P.O. Box 19387-00202, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel +254 (0)734010033/60

University of Nairobi
Enterprises and Services (UNES)
Arboretum Drive, off State House Road
P.O. Box 68241 00200, Nairobi, Kenya